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Sunday Thoughts on the Creation

As I was sitting on the stand, my mind couldn't help but go to the Creation story. I have been studying it a lot lately. Genesis has fast become my favorite book of scripture and the Old Testament has always intrigued me. It is a difficult set of book but the depth is vast. I have been listening to a Jordan Peterson's Biblical series lately. He approaches it from a psychology perspective following in the footsteps of Carl Jung and others. It has been very intriguing. Over the last year I have read several blogs, articles, and books on Genesis and the Creation. John Walton being among them. He is an Evangelical scholar with a unique perspective taking into account the cultural and historical context of Genesis. Many fascinating insights reading his book.  My thoughts on Sunday are as follows: I do believe there is an Adam and Eve. I think we have adequate revelation on them from the Restoration. I just do not believe story given in Genesis, Moses, Abraham, and in the Temple is t

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